Building Strong Teams by Respecting & Harnessing Individual Talent

A transformative model for uniting and reigniting workforces, fostering positivity and alignment with shared goals, vision, and values.

Our Mission

To bring greater harmony to workplaces and educational institutions by respecting everyone’s civil rights and equality under the law. To encourage Americans to rediscover and re-embrace our national motto: E pluribus unum (Out of many, one).

Core Values & Principles

  • We want institutions to succeed.
  • We believe unity is positive and productive.

  • We believe the citizens of our nation share more similarities than differences.

  • We respect the differences of others.

  • We care about justice and fairness.

  • We believe that customer service should be a top priority.

  • We believe in traditional “success principles” of hard work, integrity, and accountability.

  • We have no hidden agendas.

  • We are truthful with our clients and our team.

  • We believe in transparency and honest dialogue.

  • We are financially responsible.

  • We accept personal responsibility for our results.

We Deliver Customized Training For:

Real Unity Training Solutions: Our Process

A transformative model for uniting and reigniting workforces

A positive and inspiring solution to getting workplaces back on track and refocused on a shared mission, vision and values.

  • Real Unity Training Solutions starts at the top and cascades to all levels within the organization, starting with a Real Unity Assessment to gauge your current state of unity.
  • Over the course of a 1-day or 2 half-day workshops with leadership, executives will learn the principles of Real Unity and ways to lead, engage and inspire their team to focus on mission, vision and values.
  • Following the training, supervisors & managers will learn the same principles of Real Unity training.
  • To complete the transformation throughout the organization, staff will be invited to a 2-hour Real Unity training session.
  • In the end, everyone throughout the organization is embracing Real Unity Principles. Let’s Do This! Together in Unity.

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Building Unity Principles Across the Organization

This interactive training will help your organization:

  • Align & cascade its mission and goals across the organization
  • Implement principles, skills and concepts for effective team unity & team building

  • Identify and/or build a “shared vision”
  • Assess its workplace and level of unity
  • Define what unity is and is not

  • Build Strong Teams by Respecting and Harnessing Individual Talent
  • Educate leaders on the civil rights laws and Constitutional amendments that protect the rights of persons in the workplace and other institutions

Executive Coaching for HR Managers

Inclusivity Training Doesn’t Have To Be Divisive

This direct one-on-one consulting will help you:

  • Build a healthy, united corporate environment

  • Incorporate diversity training focused on unity, not division and categorical exclusivity

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Training Includes:

  • Small break-out groups for planning and discussion activities

  • Open and constructive dialogue with Real Unity Training Solutions facilitators

  • Basic tools that can be immediately incorporated

Let’s get started

Knowledge is power. Contact us to learn how Real Unity Training Solutions can strengthen your team.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Chinese Proverb

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”

Mother Teresa

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